This only means a law has passed to allow CBD in some capacity, but is no indication of the functionality of the law. None of these laws truly provide wide access to CBD, and they vary greatly in their details. Its safe to say most are symbolic. Some of the laws only allow CBD derived from hemp, others from cannabis. Some laws call for the creation of informal clinical trials, others want to provide patients with Epidiolex from GW Pharmaceuticals, a UK company that is conducting clinical trials in the U.S. and abroad. Each law has its own definition of how much CBD must be in the oil to qualify as sufficiently "high CBD-oil" (some say 5% and others say 15%). Some require CBD come from out of state, which is federally illegal. Some are only an affirmative defense. Most allow CBD for epilepsy only.
In some states, the penalty is similar to a traffic ticket and fine. In others, simple possession is still a misdemeanor (particularly in the older state laws). Overall, decriminalization is commonly understood to mean no jail time and a fine, but can still mean a record in many states.
The year listed is the year a law passed, not when it was fully implemented.
Means a patient may have cannabis delivered home from a dispensary.
Means cannabis sold must be tested for impurities and/or potency.
Means patients or their caregivers may grow cannabis in/on the home/property.
Usually a greenhouse, or a fenced or otherwise enclosed/safe-guarded outdoor space.
Only edibles, oils, or vaporized forms allowed. No combustive inhalation of cannabis.